Discover Sutherland is a private initiative aimed at marketing Sutherland as a tourist destination. They offer friendly assistance, including the following:
- Bookings website;
- Information booklets for sale;
- Travel books for sale;
- Information on Sutherland and history of the town;
- Assistance with accommodation;
- Assistance with booking of tours;
- Artworks of local buildings; and
- Internet café.
The owner describes how the business started:
“In 2005 I did a situational analysis on Sutherland as part of my Masters Research Project. After working in Cape Town for a few years, my husband and I decided to opt for the more peaceful life in the countryside. My husband is from Sutherland originally, and we chose to start new businesses in this beautiful town. I found that there was a gap with regards to Sutherland’s marketing, its image and services with regards to marketing. We therefore started a website, showcasing activities, history and services, as well as accommodation and compliment to this we opened an office where visitors can ask questions and sit and read a bit about Sutherland and find out more about the town’s history. Questions that I do not know the answers to, I will gladly find out for you.”
“Visitors can see interesting photos of what the town used to look like in the early days (1800’s), get some brochures on accommodation or the Tanqua Karoo National Park, use the internet cafe to stay in touch with work, emails or banking and the enjoy a cup of coffee while waiting for the next tour.”
“Our office and coffee shop supports local artists. In my Discover Sutherland’s Offices we display wireworks from a local artist, and we are looking for alternative arts and crafts too. Our focus is also to preserve the heritage of the town, and therefore paintings are exhibited, featuring architecturally significant buildings.”
“In the future we plan to start a recycling project, where community members make use of recycled materials to make arts and crafts, and then we would sell it at our offices and coffee shop. We still have to look for funding to get this started.”