Craft Southern Africa

Craft Southern Africa is a curio store operating in the Agricultural Hall, one of Howick’s few remaining grand old Victorian buildings. After being unused for many years it became the local cinema in the 1950’s. After years of neglect the building was restored about twenty years ago and visitors can now enjoy the wooden ceiling, old floors and magnificent windows as well as the incredible selection of curios available in Craft Southern Africa.

Curios range from masks and artefacts from other parts of Africa, to crockery with an ethnic feel, to locally produced Zulu beadwork and baskets. On offer is also a lovely selection of clothing with an African theme.

Craft Southern Africa is situated at the top of Falls View Drive about 100m from the beautiful Howick Falls. There is a restaurant attached to the shop and excellent toilet facilities.

Craft Southern Africa has been running for nearly twenty years and although now under new management one of the previous staff is still with the store and was with the original owner for sixteen years!

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