Griqua National Conference

The representatives from the Griekwa National Conference are committed to keeping the Griqua heritage alive, and were responsible for bringing the remains of Saartjie Baartman back to South Africa. 

There are a number of festivals on the Griqua calendar, the following are Griqua Heritage Days, and the Celebration Days are the dates that they are celebrated in Kranshoek:

10 March:
Herdenkingsdag van Hoof Abraham / Remembrance Day

11 May:

18 May:
Geboortedag van huidige Opperhoof A.A Le Fleur / Birthday of A.A Le Fleur

2 July:
Stigtersdag / Founder’s Day

10 September:
Munumentsdag / Monuments Day

14 October:
Moedersdag / Mothers Day

21 November:
Oumensfees / Old Person’s Festival

31 December:
Afsluit diens / Closing Service

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