Chokwe Route


Chokwé, or Chokue, is a rural town located in the province of Gaza in Mozambique. It is located approximately 230km north of the capital city of Maputo and 106km from Massingir. The main activity in the region is agriculture and it is noted for its tomatoes. In 2000 the town and its surroundings were particularly hard hit by rising flood waters from the Limpopo River.

Chissano is not a tourism destination as such, as it is a sleepy roadside town with few options for accommodation. If you are interested in experiencing true Mozambican life however, this is a good town to do it in. The town has a few locally owned shops selling basic goods, a discotheque and a recently opened backpacker’s lodge. The town’s people are incredibly friendly and helpful. Although there aren’t many tourism activities, a few days here will give insight into local life in Mozambique.

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