Support Us


Your contribution could make a big difference to an entrepreneur who is trying to earn a living for his / her family. Even a small donation can go a long way in rural areas. Become part of a big, sustainable vision to generate income, jobs and hope for Africa’s people.

Partner With Us

Think we could work together? Open Africa has many trusted partnerships and we’re happy to look at new opportunities where we can provide mutually beneficial relationships that also add value to the lives of travellers and entrepreneurs along our routes.

Fund a Project

Projects focus on increasing income and sustaining and creating jobs for previously disadvantaged people in rural areas, with a special emphasis on women and youth. Geographic areas can be aligned to your interests. Please contact us to start the discussion and for a tailored proposal that delivers mutual benefit for both partners.

Link to Us

Think your audience would be interested in discovering Open Africa? Easily add a text or graphic link from your website to show your lovely visitors that you support the Open Africa vision of using tourism to promote socio-economic development in rural Southern Africa.

Our Partners
