Ngwenya Glass

There is a mountain in Swaziland that looks like a basking crocodile. Called Ngwenya (the Swazi name for crocodile) it has at its summit the oldest mine in the world and at its base is this small bustling glass factory where unique glass products are handmade from recycled glass. Here visitors can view the manufacture process and witness first-hand the magical art of glass blowing from an overhead balcony above the factory floor. Ngwenya products are found in homes across the globe and each item is made from 100% recycled glass.

The factory also has a well-stocked showroom adjoining the factory, where you can purchase enchanting African animal figurines and tableware of character. You can also relax in our upstairs coffee shop, where various light meals are served. There is an imaginative play park for children and a craft centre which sells a wide range of reasonably priced African handicrafts and pottery. On the premises you will also find an outlet where handmade traditional rocking horses are produced and sold.

One of Swaziland’s major tourist attractions, Ngwenya Glass is open seven days a week and is just 5km from the Oshoek/Ngwenya border with South Africa.

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