

Cloetesville is situated approximately 4km north of Stellenbosch on the R44 towards Paarl. Formerly known as Cloetesdal, the first phase of development started in 1964 it was finally included in the local municipality in 1967. In 1969 the first primary school was opened and today there are three primary schools and one high school. Other amenities include a library, theatre, swimming pool, sports complex and some guesthouses.


Attractions in Cloetesville:


Cloetesville is yet another of the communities along this route with a rich Cape Malay heritage. Visitors can enjoy the hospitality by visiting the homes of community members.

Arts & Crafts:

Cloetesville boasts many different types of crafters but embroidery is the most popular type of craft here. Visitors will be able to pick up hand-crafted embroidered goods while visiting the community.


With a strong Cape Malay heritage the food on offer is mostly spicy and fragrant and visitors will be able to enjoy traditional dishes such as samosas, vetkoek, curries and bredies.

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