Edith Stephens Wetland Park

The Edith Stephens Wetland Park is a joint initiative between the City of Cape Town, the Table Mountain Fund and the National Botanical Institute. Extensive rehabilitation of the site has taken place, including the removal of alien tree species through Working For Water, and the planting of indigenous species. An outdoor amphitheatre has been created for the hosting of events, such as music, dance and theatre. This provides an opportunity for the local community to showcase its talents.

One of the key attractions, particularly for botanists, is the species of Isoetes that is endemic to Edith Stephens. This means that it occurs nowhere else on earth, making Edith Stephens one of the botanical ‘hot spots’ of the Cape Flats.  Botanists from Europe have been known to travel to South Africa, just to see this species. Edith Stephens is also the ideal venue for bird-watchers, as the wetlands area attracts many different species of birds. Local universities are involved in developing a species list for the Park.

Edith Stephens combines a unique rehabilitation and conservation story with that of social development and community partnerships.

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