Namaqualand Guided Tours

Lita describes the business:

“As a fourth generation Namaqualander I grew up on a farm and spent a great deal of my childhood in the veld. I learned the medicinal uses of Namaqualand plants from my parents and local workers. I collected food from the veld on free weekends – many of which I still use.”

“Over the years Colla Swart of the Kamieskroon Hotel has sent many a botanist or hotel guest with an interest in plants to me in order so that I may accompany them in the veld.”

“I am friendly with many of the inhabitants of the local communities and whenever possible I take groups to visit my local friends. Groups can witness and experience the local people’s lifestyles and original culture. Activities such as: the building of their traditional huts called ‘matjieshuise’ from woven reed mats; the grinding of wheat on two flat stones called ”gatskuur” and of course the ploughing and harvesting of grain using donkeys, hand held ploughs or sickles.”

“As a registered, fully qualified guide of the Kamiesberg and Richtersveld regions, I am available to take people on different tours ranging from 1–7 days. The tours can be driving/walking day tours, several day hikes with a base camp or camping in the Richtersveld for up to seven days – two of the days driving to the Richtersveld and back.”


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